Gaabriel Becket


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Coast-2-Coast Cyclists on Their Way on Children's Hospital for Wales Challenge!

user image 2009-03-16
By: gaabi
Posted in:
The Coast-2-Coast USA boys, including our own members Gareth Evans and Andy Edwards, are on their way to starting their cycling trip across the southern continental US.Show them your support with pledges and, if you're on their route - especially at the end in St Augustine, Florida - turn out and welcome them, put them up or feed them or just buy them a beer!From their blog : A last Hurrah for the 'Tw o Fat Cyclists' at The New Three Mariners, Laugharne. Match funding by Barclays Bank means there will be a lot of money raised for the charity - not sure how much yet.New songs found the large drunk audience singing along. 'Fulsom Prison Blu es' and ' Daydream Believer ' seemed to really oil the inebriated voices of the clientele. So much so that they wanted to create their own set list with impromptu renderings of 'You'll Never Walk Alone' in respect of the landlords' favourite football team's dismal performance against Liverpool and 'A Horse with No Name' for no reason at all except for the pub singer from Ants Hill Caravan Park knowing the lyrics!Phil and I, cleverly tried to follow Rhys' fingers through a very drunken 'Good Riddance' . Rhys, aswell as Phil and myself, eventually gave up the gig as the crowd got drunker and took no interest in the dulcet tones of of 'The Two F at Cyclists' . Thank you Richard for all your help. Bookmark and Share

Ceri Shaw
03/16/09 08:27:54PM @ceri-shaw: