Gaabriel Becket


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NEW TOY!! Add an AmeriCymru Toolbar to your browser!

user image 2009-03-15
By: gaabi
Posted in:
Now we can all have an AmeriCymru toolbar on our browsers - just one click to go to the site, the blog, the Welsh calendar, the Welsh Web Ring, and MORE!

1. Go to this link to download it: 2. Click on the big button which says download and it will download.3. Restart your browser to see it.You can choose from different styles, the super simple I picked above (for those of us with tons o' toolbars as it is) or something more pleasantly aesthetic, like this:

Enjoy! Bravo, Ceri!

Ceri Shaw
03/15/09 06:34:39PM @ceri-shaw:
If you install it....please let us know how it works for you. Also if theres anything we can ( or must ) do to improve it and make it useful. We particularly need to know how ( or whether ) it works on Internet Explorer.