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David Western Has a New Lovespoon Blog Post Up and VOTE to Help Name the Dragon on the Spoon!
Go to the poll at the bottom of the Left Coast Eisteddfod page to vote on a name for the dragon on David's lovespoon and this week on his blog he's exposed the wings on the Dragon and cut them out:
On a Wing And a Prayer!
This week the dragon finally gets his wings clipped! He might also have a name fairly soon too.
There are a number of ways I can approach the wings in terms of how I shape them. Many times I carve a concave 'dip' between the spine of each wing section to give them a bat-like appearance, but for this spoon I am going to cut in evenly. This will create wedge shaped section which will cast more shadow and have a vaguely art deco feel. I think that with the bold scales running along his back, the bolder and more stylized look of the wedge tapers will work nicely.
More on David's Blog here