Gaabriel Becket


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David Western Has a New Lovespoon Blog Post Up and VOTE to Help Name the Dragon on the Spoon!

user image 2009-03-14
By: gaabi
Posted in:

Go to the poll at the bottom of the Left Coast Eisteddfod page to vote on a name for the dragon on David's lovespoon and this week on his blog he's exposed the wings on the Dragon and cut them out:

On a Wing And a Prayer!

This week the dragon finally gets his wings clipped! He might also have a name fairly soon too.

There are a number of ways I can approach the wings in terms of how I shape them. Many times I carve a concave 'dip' between the spine of each wing section to give them a bat-like appearance, but for this spoon I am going to cut in evenly. This will create wedge shaped section which will cast more shadow and have a vaguely art deco feel. I think that with the bold scales running along his back, the bolder and more stylized look of the wedge tapers will work nicely.

More on David's Blog here
