Gaabriel Becket


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Taking a break and thanks for all the fish!

user image 2013-08-15
By: gaabi
Posted in:

I removed this blog I posted yesterday after having a nice walk this morning.

Yesterday we had a cranky troll on who objected to the AmeriCymru logo which I, the American, made and apparently my making it as I failed to know that the dragon on the Welsh flag is "sacred" and I have no right putting my obviously inferior, foreign, American hands or creativity on it.

I was an overly sensitive creative and went off to sulk. On my walk this morning, I thought about one of the things I said during my tantrum, which was that my job on AmeriCymru was "thankless" and I realized that it never has been. Hundreds of people have thanked me and I did them a disservice by forgetting to value their pleasure in the stuff we do over one cranky, incorrect and slightly unhinged troll's complaints.

That walk, that realization and Harold Powell's perfect response to my tirade this morning has fixed everything and I know that what I really need to do is to keep doing what we've been doing, more and better and, so, I realized the perfect response to this silliness is to make boatloads more "bastaradised" dragons - a bastaradised dragon for every country an AmeriCymru member lives in. :D

Here are some, below, I'll be presenting better, final versions later after I've had the time to make them and doing t-shirts in each on our store and probably throwing public domain versions of them on wiki and you can all do what you want with these. The first ones I finish will be the flags of Canada (loooong overdue for all our beautiful and fabulous Canucks!), Uruguay for Virginia Sosa and all wonderful Welsh-Uruguayans, Argentina for the Mimosa and Claudio Vincent Williams and all wonderful Welsh-Argentinians, Mongolia for Emyr Pugh and any other Welsh-Mongolians! If you have a suggestion about the flag of your country design, tell me, I'd love to hear it! And, of course, I'll be doing England, for all the wonderful Welshies in England.

08/15/13 07:55:31PM @gaabi:

Thank you, Harold, you are awesome. I'll have to wait until after the PSU event is over but, Ceri, you heard Harold, I get 42 days of inactive bliss!

Harold Powell
08/15/13 02:56:50PM @harold-powell:

Enjoy the break but don't take too long! We hereby grant you 42 days of inactive bliss.