Gaabriel Becket


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David Western and Laura Jenkins Gorun have finished the 2012 WCE Lovespoon!

user image 2012-10-05
By: gaabi
Posted in:

Dave has done an original lovespoon every year for the past four years and together with Laura Jenkins Gorun for the past three years, and they've blogged it . This year, they incorporated a design by San Francisco Welsh-American painter, Jen Delyth , "The Celtic Tree of Life." If you've been following Dave's blog, you've seen it in progress and if you haven't, see it below. It's the most beautiful lovespoon, the most beautiful carving, I've ever seen.

From Dave's blog, with his permission:


I've just put in a 3 day marathon carving session to get the West Coast Eisteddfod Lovespoon ready for its big day! I'm thrilled to bits with the result and I'm hoping that seeing it done will encourage lots of donations to our favourite cause!!

Remember, this beauty that Laura and I have slogged over for the last few months could be yours for one measly dollar!!! Every dollar you contribute to the West Coast Eisteddfod entitles you to a chance at winning what is surely our best effort yet! I defy you to find a lovespoon like THIS anywhere for a BUCK!!!!!!

I think that Laura has absolutely excelled herself with her gorgeous ball in cage detail. Check out those sinuous vine details!! At the start of this project, Laura was a bit of a grinder with the design and in her own words, 'fussed over every detail'. Now that it's done, you can see that her efforts were absolutely worth it! Laura and I are in love with this spoon and we don't really want to give it away...but give it away we will!

In case you're wondering why the spoon is sort of two-toned, its because Laura's section at the bottom was carved a couple of months back and is oxidizing. That rich amber tone you see on the bowl is what the whole spoon will have in another couple of months when my section at the top settles in a bit! This spoon is going to be a stunner!!!!!

Just to show that we didn't 'leave it all' on the front aspect, here's a picture of the back of the spoon (above) showing that all Laura's meticulous planning has continued onto the back!! Its like having 2 spoons for the price of one!!!

Man, I just love how Jen Delyth's 'Tree of Life' turned out! One day it would be fun to try a bigger one and go for a bit more detail on the roots and branches, but for now, this looks pretty sweet! Trying to remember where all those vines went around the heart, leaves and dragon made me scratch my head a few times and I had to call Laura for a sketch, but in the end its all good!!

And one last treat is this close up of Laura's beautiful work on that cage with the 4 balls (one for every year of the Eisteddfod) which shows just how 'touchable' her carving is!!
I'm totally PUMPED about this spoon...I hope that you will be too! Just remember that time is rapidly running out for you to get in on a chance to take it home!!! Please donate to help support the West Coast Eisteddfod today!!!! Just click on the box at the top right of the's simple, safe, secure and you WON'T get hassled with any unwanted spam from any of us!!

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Besides Dave's post and shots above, I'm including the one he sent me, to tell me it was done - those are Dave's hands holding the spoon, below:

10/05/12 07:07:53PM @gaabi:

Janet, you can contact Dave here to commission a spoon

and Laura at

Janet Louise Mancini
10/05/12 05:43:28PM @janet-louise-mancini:

THAT is beautiful work.

Janet Louise Mancini
10/05/12 05:43:02PM @janet-louise-mancini:

Can I purchase one of these? I would love to hang it in my kitchen .

Christopher R. Williams
10/05/12 04:38:21PM @christopher-r-williams:

Incredible, and a true work of art. The ball cage is incredible. Well done to both.

Lynette Evans
10/05/12 03:26:35PM @lynette-evans:

unbelievably beautiful. I didn't think anyone knew how to do this anymore!

Harold Powell
10/05/12 12:09:17PM @harold-powell:


Gaynor Madoc Leonard
10/05/12 10:26:22AM @gaynor-madoc-leonard:

Absolutely stunning. It really is very beautiful.

Patricia M. Butler
10/05/12 06:09:28AM @patricia-m-butler:

Looks beautiful. Keeping my fingers crossed I will be the lucky winner.