Gaabriel Becket


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Survey about travel to Wales - where to go? What to do? What to see?

user image 2012-10-01
By: gaabi
Posted in:

Ceri and I are hoping we can go to Wales next year. Ceri hasn't been home in years and I've never been. He'd like to get to see his family and I'd like to get to meet them and I'd just like to see it. The only places I've been outside the US are Tijuana and Vancouver BC. Vancouver was gorgeous but nothing really different and Tijuana was sort of a depressing version of the part of LA I was living in at the time. There's some things I already know I want to see in Wales but I know there's a lot I don't know anything about.

if you haven't been to Wales, where would you like to go there? When would you like to go? What do you want to do and see in Wales and why?

If you have been there, what brought you there? Where would you tell someone else to go? What would you tell other people they should see and do there and why? Is there anything you'd like to go back and do or see and why?