Gaabriel Becket


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Madoc ap Owain Gwynedd Discussion Group

user image 2009-01-20
By: gaabi
Posted in:

Americymru discussion group created by Beryl Richards on Prince Madoc: The Madoc Enigma - an Introduction by Beryl RichardsThe mysterious legend of Prince Madoc Ap Owain Gwynnedd exists on both sides of the Atlantic which has yet to be taken seriously. The following article is only a taster of the adventure. Zella Armstrong of the Daughters of the American Revolution has written a detailed history published during the 1950's, and the Plaque unveiled at Mobile Bay stating that Prince Madoc had landed there was removed, and became the result of an international internet campaign to reinstate it Janice Gattis of the Alabahma Welsh Association was instrumental in running the campaign which was well supported both by American and Welsh ex pats and natives of Wales.There is so much to discover. I have been on a fascinating journey into both my own Welsh history and the story which continued from Mobile into the American interior. Does anyone wish to share my fascination with this mysterious enigma..................... Join us on the journey!For further information please read "The Madoc Enigma" by Bee Richards HERE .

05/26/09 10:45:55PM @gaabi:
Yeah, that sounds great, Huw!
Ceri Shaw
05/26/09 09:00:21PM @ceri-shaw:
Shwmai Huw....can we get a copy of that to show at the Eisteddfod in August?