Gaabriel Becket


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Rashida Jones (daughter of Quincy Jones) on the Daily Show on her Welsh roots -

user image 2012-07-31
By: gaabi
Posted in:

I get up and work out in the morning and watch "The Daily Show" with John Stewart (best political news show in the US ;p) and this morning Quincy Jones' daughter, Rashida Jones, was on talking about her new movie, "Celeste and Jesse Forever," and when she first sat down, this was her exchange with John Stewart:

STEWART: "You have, it's such a beautiful and unusual name Jones tell me about that?"

JONES: "Weirdly, it's Welsh."

STEWART: "Is it really?"

JONES: "It is."

STEWART: "Interesting!"

JONES: "For a long time, I thought, because my father is an African-American, that it was, maybe, a slave name, that happens, sometimes. But it's Welsh! We're Welsh!"

STEWART: "I spotted the Welsh in you from "

JONES: (laughing)

STEWART: "Look how excited you are to be Welsh!"

JONES: "I know!"

and I found from watching this that, besides being an actor and writer, she's also created a comic book - she's now my favorite celeb!

08/01/12 09:13:15PM @gaabi:

Yes, if you see it he was definitely goofing there. :D if I can find a video for it, I'll load that on here but it was actually Monday's show - 30 July and she is saying it like "hurrah!"

Gaynor Madoc Leonard
08/01/12 09:00:29PM @gaynor-madoc-leonard:

Ah,I believe he does facetious very well!

Ceri Shaw
08/01/12 07:24:31PM @ceri-shaw:

I guess it's impossible to convey the tone of a remark in a text message BUT having seen the clip I can assure you he was being facetious

Gaynor Madoc Leonard
08/01/12 01:10:50PM @gaynor-madoc-leonard:

I thought John Stewart was supposed to be intelligent! It's like saying John is an unusual name. I'm glad she's excited to be Welsh though!

Val White
07/31/12 08:52:33PM @val-white:

Ah, that is sweet and she's right to be excited!