Gaabriel Becket


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West Coast Eisteddfod 2012 - Portland, Oregon, Multnomah Arts Center

user image 2012-04-11
By: gaabi
Posted in:


We have confirmed the venue for the 2012 West Coast Eisteddfod. It will be held at the Multnomah Arts Center in Portland on Saturday October 13th. We will be posting full details of the program as soon as it is finalized but meanwhile anyone interested in the Story-telling, Poetry or Comedy competitions should contact for more details asap. At the moment the WCE is planned as a one day event with satellite events at other locations but thus may change as our plans evolve. Keep checking back for further details and enjoy the pictures below.


The Courtyard/Vendors area at The Multnomah Arts Center


The main auditorium from the stage at the Multnomah Arts Center.


A view of the stage at the Multnomah Arts Center.


The Lucky Labrador Pub opposite the Arts Center may prove to be a useful watering hole for WCE attendees although beer and wine will be available at the event.


Ceri Shaw
04/12/12 05:58:22AM @ceri-shaw:

@Ken...maybe one day

Ceri Shaw
04/11/12 07:08:20PM @ceri-shaw:

There'll be a bowl waiting