Gaabriel Becket


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Help Us Interview Bernard Knight!

user image 2012-03-20
By: gaabi
Posted in:

Bernard Knight, author of historical fiction, mysteries and much more over a more than 30 year writing career has consented to give us another interview and we want YOUR questions for him!

Read our first interview with him here and let us know what you,AmeriCymru members, think we should ask Bernard Knight, what you think people want to ask Bernard Knight, we'll pick the best ones and we'll pose those questions from you!

Ceri Shaw
03/26/12 02:39:02AM @ceri-shaw:

Two questions from member Nola Becket ( reposted ):-

* have you described, in any of your Crowner John series, how he deals with protecting himself from VD, getting the ladies pregnant? As a physician he would know what if anything could be done... would be interesting.

* how do you suggest dealing with acknowledging references used for historical data included in fictional writing?

Val White
03/22/12 05:15:09PM @val-white:

I just finished reading Plague of Heretics and thoruoghly enjoyed it. A wonderful read as always. I just wanted to ask Bernard how much freedom of expression for alternative and unorthodox religious views was tolerated in the 12th century. How far could you go without attracting the attention of the ecclesiastical authorities. Also the doctors wife seems to be a 'woman with opinions of her own'. How common was this and were women able to express their views freely at this time. I hope these are pertinent questions.

Ceri Shaw
03/21/12 05:32:51PM @ceri-shaw:

Diolch Ken...and please don't misinterpret my earlier remarks...we WANT this debate on AmeriCymru and your contributions are always welcome. Its just that as an admin I have to try and keep everything in the right 'box' so that things don't become too confusing. Once again many thanks for your cooperation :

Ceri Shaw
03/21/12 04:52:24PM @ceri-shaw:

An interesting thread ( as always ) on the Madoc issue but if I might interject a quick reminder. The purpose of this post is to elicit questions from interested readers for Bernard Knight concerning his literary output over the years, in particular the Crowner John and Richard Pryor series, Brennan, Lion Rampant etc. We will probably NOT be referencing the Madoc issue in our interview with Bernard. So PLEASE try and suggest pertinent questions.

For discussion of the Madoc issue there is a separate group here:- Please use it and remember that it is somewhat disrespectful to other members to 'hijack' threads in this manner and it certainly causes unnecessary problems for admins and moderators on this site, none of whom are paid for their services.

I have no desire to discourage a lively debate on this topic but would urge you once again to post in the appropriate place.

Many thanks in anticipation, for your consideration and co-operation.



David John Jones
03/21/12 01:53:12PM @david-john-jones:

Dear Ken,

My book called FOOTPRINTS IN THE STONE traces our ancestors from about 30,000 BC to present day. There is good evidence that the Cymru simply first crossed over to America at about 20,000 BC from the area of the Gower peninsula in South Wales, which is explained in my book and at Best Regards David J Jones.

Ceri Shaw
03/20/12 05:15:17PM @ceri-shaw:

Here is a link to the text interview:-

Richard Threehares
03/20/12 05:05:44PM @richard-threehares:

Question for Bernard: do you think DNA testing of surviving Mandan descendants would yield any answers regarding Prince Madoc?

Ceri Shaw
03/20/12 04:55:50PM @ceri-shaw:

I should add that this will be an audio interview and we will select the best 4 or 5 questions from members and readers. So....if you are a Crowner John or Richard Pryor fan please get the questions rolling on. NOTE We will only accept questions posed on AmeriCymru....please do not respond on Facebook comments.