Gaabriel Becket


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David Western's Lovespoon Blog, "Nadolig Llawen Everyone!!"

user image 2011-12-18
By: gaabi
Posted in:

Reprinted with permission from David Western's blog , all material 2011, David Western --

As another year draws to a close, I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone the very best of the season. Nadolig Llawen (Merry Christmas) to all those who celebrate Christmas and best wishes to all those who don't.

I can't pretend it hasn't been a very tough year to be a lovespoon carver, with economies collapsing left and right, with massive foreclosures, 'rationalization' everywhere and everyone holding on to their pennies, it is as bad as I have ever seen it. Fortunately for me, there are still people out there who value a truly personal, entirely hand-made gift and know the real value of my lovespoons! To all those who commissioned one of my spoons, I send my sincerest thanks. To those who visited my blog and my site but couldn't order a spoon this year, I hope the next year is a better one and I get the chance to show you what I can do!!

To those of you who could care less about lovespoons, I send my deepest sympathies!

But thankfully, it hasn't all been doom and gloom! This year's West Coast Eisteddfod in Los Angeles was a great success and your generous donations to the 'Win the Lovespoon and Support the Eisteddfod' fund helped make the event the grand time it was! This year's design was embellished with artwork selected from Americymru member entries and really did make carving this year's spoon that extra bit special! Lucky prize winner Carey Dietrich went home with a beautiful artwork which I hope will bring her many, many years of pleasure! I think this is a great picture of her, and her most excellent tshirt sets the spoon off perfectly!!

I hope that next year's Eisteddfod is even bigger and better than this year's and I look forward to carving the lovespoon for it!

Once again, I wish one and all the very best for the remainder of this year and for the year to come!

Rhianne Griffiths
12/24/11 03:43:54PM @rhianne-griffiths:

Beautiful work - wondrous talent.

(Those tools reminded me of my attempts at making lino cuts when studying Art Design for A level way-back-in-the-aeons-of-time, I achieved my aim at creating a lovely Japanese inspired lino print but unfortunately during the course of the work my hand slipped, and the sharp tool ended up in the palm of the other hand! The scar remains!)

Ceri Shaw
12/18/11 08:24:59PM @ceri-shaw:

Nadolig Llawen Dave....and diolch for posting Also let me take yet another opportunity to thank you for the superb work you did on the 2011 WCE Lovespoon. It was our biggest and best event yet and the spoon contributed enormously to its success.. Will be in touch asap about next year.