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Calling All Tom Jones Impersonators!
Announcing a new competition group on Americymru: The Left Coast Eisteddfod Tom Jones Impersonators .Our "virtual eisteddfod" is meant to be as fun as it is serious and so:Contestants will create videos and post them on an outside service or location, such as, then post a discussion to this group and embed or hotlink the video in it. Americymru members can do this directly themselves; non-members email the url for your video here and we'll be only too deliriously happy to post it for you. Title the discussion with your name or email address so we'll know whose is whose!1. Videos must be hosted on another site and embedded or linked here. (see above)2. Videos must contain a performance of at least two verses (which can include a chorus) of any Tom Jones song and must be video of a living creature (if you have a singing dog or cat, for instance, yee-HA! humans, too, no species discrimination), not animation. Accuracy and/or sobriety are of no importance whatsoever. Karaoke is totally acceptable.3. Videos must be at LEAST PG-rated, suitable for all viewers, and may not contain any statement perjorative of race, religion, gender or national origin.This contest will run until 22 August 2009. As imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, all entrants are winners in their own right, just for entering, however, a first-place Tom Jones will be chosen by a secret panel of judges and will be named the "Official Tom Jones [NOT ACTUAL]" of our Virtual Eisteddfod and awarded the grand prize of $100.00 US currency, as well as the accolades of fame.If you have a little Tom Jones in you, please share!