Gaabriel Becket


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West Coast Eisteddfod 2011, continued

user image 2011-12-01
By: gaabi
Posted in:

West Coast Eisteddfod 2011 Vendors, thank you!

Part One here


Celtic Jackalope , makers of the 2011 West Coast Eisteddfod t-shirt, artist "[Maxine Miller's] work is rich with the exquisite detail and symbolism that bring these iconic images to life. Maxine's artwork is applied to sterling silver jewelry, statuary, printed apparel, art prints, wooden gift boxes... Michael MacFarlane has brought Maxine's art to the masses through the manufacturing and distribution of Maxine's Products. By starting with Celtic Fairs and Scottish Highland Games in North America, where he is a highly regarded member of the Scottish/Celtic community... All pieces are created with integrity, working with non-exploitive and fair trade principles. It is both their pride and pleasure to bring these works to you."

San Francisco Celtic artist Jen Delyth is known worldwide for the original and iconic mixture of old and new in her beautiful work. Delyth's paintings, illustrations and design marry new technique and composition concepts with deeply rooted cultural and mythological themes.

About her art, Jen has written, "I am intrigued by the marriage of old and new, ancient and future. This work is a personal journey into the language of Celtic myth and symbol, the beauty of nature, a simple interpretation of Celtic spirituality expressing the Mystery of the inter-connectedness and balance of all things."

Dreamsinger Harps Celtic Harps, Gothic Harps, Doorharps, Dulcimers, Psalteries, Flap-Dragons, Ping Pong CrossBows. Dreamsinger Harps has 25 years making and selling Harps at Renaissance faires, 35 years as a member of the SCA. Besides the SCA, Renn Faires and other events, you can find them in Lakewood, California and their harp kits and door harps on ebay at magicharps and buy their beautiful harps and other instruments and wonderful things on their site .

Three Geese In Flight Celtic Books has been in business selling antiquarian, used, and out-of-print Celtic and Arthurian studies books from our shop and mail order since 1976.

Besides the folklore, mythology and history of Celtic Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Cornwall, and Brittany, Three Geese in Flight Books specializes in the history, literature, fiction, and scholarly study of the Arthurian legend. We also feature Norse, Anglo-Saxon, Medieval, and Megalithic books.

We are also proud to offer books on Iroquois, Woodland Indian, Mound builder History, Archeology, and Legend, American Revolution/French and Indian War, along with the history of Early Dutch New Netherlands Colonial New England, Pre-Columbian voyages, and Cultures, as well as the Folklore of the Americas.

BlackHeart Metals , for the finest in hand-crafted Silver Jewelry and Sculptures - silver jewelry, sculptures, rings, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, pendants and more

Mac Neith Celtic Shoes and Accessories , Handcrafted leather Celtic - Scottish - Irish Shoes, Celtic-Pictish Jewelry, Celtic Pouches & Celtic - Viking RUNES! MacNeith's Celtic Shoes & Accessories
are perfect to wear at any SCA events,
Scottish Games, Irish and Celtic Festivals,
Renaissance Fairs and for everyday wear!

Faire Ladies, Faire Lords was founded in 1996 and is proud to be a retailer of American made artisan quality Renaissance costumes and historical clothing. All clothing items are Made in the USA. The romance of the Renaissance era is here for ladies AND lords! Costume yourself in renaissance bodices and doublets, medieval gowns and tunics; we provide pirate garb, German costuming, English Renaissance costuming and lots of creative fantasy and masquerade attire.

R. Merlin, Ion Drive Publishing Arial and Electra, a Wyrding Lucination in 39 Parts : "Written over an extraordinary twenty-two years, Ariel & Electra draws on R.Merlin's experience as a laser artist, working Druid, and occult initiate with a passion for the Eleusinian Mysteries."

Jewelry from Aileen's Art - she had jewelry at the event, earrings and necklaces and bracelets - but also on her site are some gorgeous little wire and beaded trees and grapevines, really interesting.

Peter Padden, Pendraig Publishing , "Pendraig Publishing is devoted to bringing quality books to the Pagan community, covering subjects like Traditional Witchcraft, Wortcunning, The Art of the Cunning Folk, and Ancient Mystery Traditions."