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Dang! has Harri Potter in WELSH!
Ok, if you are Welsh, this isn't anything at all to you, I'm sure, but it sure was to me!I started wanting to learn Welsh when I was about 13 and I couldn't find anyone who spoke it and no way to learn it back in them thar pre-Internet days. When I was 16, I was able to save my pennies (a LOT of them) and order a Welsh-English dictionary from a publisher called the Saphograph Company, now out of business and gone. During one of my many moves and changes of boyfriends, it disappeared and I mourned it deeply as I couldn't get another.So it's just absolutely WILD to me that I can go onto and find this: So, if you want one, there it is and I think that's going to be my xmas present to me, just for the heck of it.
That's so cool! Are the other volumes available in Welsh, too?