Gaabriel Becket


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Dang! has Harri Potter in WELSH!

user image 2008-12-15
By: gaabi
Posted in:
Ok, if you are Welsh, this isn't anything at all to you, I'm sure, but it sure was to me!I started wanting to learn Welsh when I was about 13 and I couldn't find anyone who spoke it and no way to learn it back in them thar pre-Internet days. When I was 16, I was able to save my pennies (a LOT of them) and order a Welsh-English dictionary from a publisher called the Saphograph Company, now out of business and gone. During one of my many moves and changes of boyfriends, it disappeared and I mourned it deeply as I couldn't get another.So it's just absolutely WILD to me that I can go onto and find this:

So, if you want one, there it is and I think that's going to be my xmas present to me, just for the heck of it.

12/15/08 07:15:29AM @gaabi:
That's so cool! Are the other volumes available in Welsh, too?