Gaabriel Becket


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How to Get Your Site on The Welsh Web Ring - Tutorial

user image 2008-12-14
By: gaabi
Posted in:
A few people had a bit of trouble with this and when I looked at the page, I realized it wasn't necessarily completely self explanatory. Below I've laid it out step by step with graphics, and I hope this will make it easier. If you're still not able to do this, I can do it for you but you'll have to temporarily give me access to your site or blog. You could create a temp password for me while I do this, then change it when I'm done. But, here's the tutorial:1. Go to the web ring at .2. You will see this page, below, and click on the button which says "Add Your Link Below"

3. On the next page, fill in your site information in the spaces indicated (highlighted in yellow, below):

4. Go to the next section, below your site information and choose a link for your site by clicking in the white circle (highlighted here in yellow in the graphic below) next to the button image you prefer:

5. Below the section where you choose a button, there is a box with code in it. See graphic below, this section highlighted in blue. Click in the box to select the code, right click on the selected code to copy it. You will need to now put this copied code in the code for your web site or blog. Leave the sign up page open while you do this as you will need to go back to it when you are done.

6. If you have a website, choose where you want the code to go on your site. Open your site and insert the code and then you will need to publish your site to the web, however you do that with your site. If someone else does your site, send them the code and tell them where you want it.

7. If you're putting a button on a blogger blog, open your blog template and choose "Layout", then choose the option to "Add a Gadget" and choose HTML/JavaScript:

8. The Add a Gadget window will open and you drop in the Ring code and save:

9. Once you've added the code to your site or blog, go back to the Ring sign up page. Under the code, is a security code box, type in the numbers/characters you see in the box next to it and click "Submit", as in the example below:

You've now put in the code and submitted it and the next step is for me to approve your site to the Ring, which I'll do as soon as I see it, and I check it daily or you can email me and tell me you've done it and I'll approve you right away.If anyone still has trouble after trying the steps in this tutorial, let me know.