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A quick reminder about competitions on Americymru.:-
1. The voting deadline in the Hardest Welshman poll on the main page has been extended to December 31st in order to allow people more time to vote. At the moment Owain Glyndwr seems to be running away with it so now is a good time to vote for your favored candidate and make it a closer race.2. The Americymru Clown of the Month competition hasn't run for a while so we thought we'd give people the chance to submit jokes for our new Americymru Clown of the Year award. There are already several contestants and if you wish to be numbered amongst them submit your joke/jokes in the Welsh Humor Group between now and December 31st. The prize will be, as always, fame/infamy plus an extremely tacky photoshop job on your profile photo which will be posted on the site for all the world to see.Watch this space for announcements about further competitions soon!!ALSO...dont forget the Left Coast Eisteddfod competitions:-Short Stories Competition HERE Pirate Lookalike Competition HERE