Gaabriel Becket


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Welsh Pirate Look-Alike Contest for Portland, Oregon Left Coast Eisteddfod on Americymru - Show Us Your Inner Black Bart!

user image 2008-12-06
By: gaabi
Posted in:

Welsh Pirate Bartholomew Roberts aka Black Bart, Greatest Pirate of the Caribbean and Atlantic seaboard

We're announcing a pirate look-alike contest as part of the Left Coast Eisteddfod online activities.The group url for the contest is here: Here is the direction and announcement in the group:"PIRATE IMPERSONATORS CONTEST - Show off your inner Pirate! Win $50 and acclaim! We're looking for Pirate Impersonators to send us photos in all their glory! Show us your John Callis, Howell Davis, Robert Edwards, John Evans, privateer Henry Morgan and last but by no means least, the Dread Pirate Bartholomew Roberts. As equal opportunity pirate lovers, we are, of course, also looking for Black Bartinas and Henrietta Morgans!"Members and non-members may submit, you don't have to be a member of this network to participate, but if you're of Welsh ancestry or just like Wales, please do join us. First prize is $50.00 plus international renown/infamy and free admission to the Left Coast Eisteddfod in Portland, Oregon. Runners up prizes to be announced."Please submit jpegs no larger than 50kb - if you're unable to edit your photo, send it to us and we'll be happy to do it for you. Americymru members may submit directly, by starting a new discussion and posting their photo in it."Non-members, please send your photos to and include "Pirate Competition" in the subject line so we don't miss them!"Please include your name and contact information with your photo, and a contestant/user name you'd like us to identify your photo with, as well as a brief bio you'd like submitted on our site with your photo. All images must be the property of the person submitting them and remain the property of the person submitting them but by submitting your image(s), you give us permission to post your image(s) on this site for purposes of this contest."The Left Coast Eisteddfod will be held in Portland, Oregon, and as a native I can say that Portlanders love pirates. Many of us celebrate September 19th, International Talk Like a Pirate Day , we have lots of pirate groups in the area and every year we have the Portland Pirate Festival :