Gaabriel Becket


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Help Bring the Welshness with Google's New Plus One button!

user image 2011-06-01
By: gaabi
Posted in:

If you've got a google account, google has unveiled a new recommendation system, Plus One.

To sign up and use plus one to help us tell the world about how awesome Wales is, first sign up for a gmail account at:

Next, sign up for google plus one at:

Last, google "americymru" and click the plus one button next to the title of the entry (see graphic below, in which I have helpfully circled it in red):

Use plus one to promote what you think is good, especially Wales and Welshness!

Ceri Shaw
06/01/11 11:06:12PM @ceri-shaw:
The Google +1 button is now live on the site as well. Right hand column just under sign-in! Gis a +1 guv