Gaabriel Becket


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Chris Keil's "Liminal" now available on Kindle

user image 2011-02-18
By: gaabi
Posted in:

Have trouble getting books by Welsh authors you want to read?

Chris Keil's Liminal (Alcemi), previously reviewed by Ceri here , can now be gotten in e-book format for the Kindle reader. It's also still available in hard copy on Amazon as well.

Both Ceri and I read this, I liked it a lot and it was a calm and enjoyable read, by which I mean no car chases, explosions, threats to all humanity -- just good characters and the relationships between them and good narrative and dialouge. We sold it at NAFOW, Wordstock and our event this year and it sold really well.

I highly recommend this book for those times you want to sit down by yourself with the phone unplugged and a cold beer or glass of wine and enjoy something to read in peace.