Gaabriel Becket


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Resolution Time: Crowdsource your will power with me!

user image 2010-12-27
By: gaabi
Posted in:

Now's the time of year for the new year's resolutions. I don't usually really bother but this year I'm doing it and I thought there might be strength in numbers, or at least embarrassment if I'm too wimpy to make them happen. so here are (some of) mine and I invite anyone to add theirs!

1. Get in good physical shape! I used to run and do yoga and blah, blah, blah but since the computer became my life, I spend most of my time standing or sitting at it (I have a standing workspace) so it's back to the gym and probably the bike for me, and for Ceri and the kids because misery loves company... oops! I mean, because I love them....

2. Get organized! I'm a stereotypical messy artist, our house is full of things that I won't throw away because I might be able to make sculpture of out them or projects I'm in the middle of. This year I vow to turn that around, to get on a schedule, to prioritize the things I need to do so I can wear all my hats and get more things done.

3. Be a better parent. If I put in a schedule as part of getting organized, that can include family time and time to help my kids with their homework instead of just working all the time and parenting by yelling at them to pick up their stuff.

Okay, there's three from me! Anyone else?

01/12/11 09:58:17PM @gaabi:

lol to you, Ceri and Jack (all lower case).

Connie - what's your "snowball laptop quilt"? That sounds really interesting. And I strive for better but tell myself that all w can do is all we can do. :/ so I do as much of that as a I can and try to earn to say farewell to the rest.

Wild Canary
12/28/10 02:08:03PM @wild-canary:

I used to always make resolutions! Now I save the other years lists and check to see if I have made any progress!

However, the organizing thing, I could use some encouragement on...I too, save lots of stuff...though not everything anymore; I have many books or how to organize if anyone would like one!

Keeping the stairs cleared off would be a small start. and since I am much older than Gaabi, I think I will pass on some of the unfinished projects to younger people and concentrate on finishing some of those I have started, like the snowball laptop quilt.

So, thanks,

Gaabi. and good luck to you and the family.

Ceri Shaw
12/28/10 04:37:58AM @ceri-shaw:
I'll try ....dont know if she'll buy it
Ceri Shaw
12/27/10 11:05:08PM @ceri-shaw:
I hereby pledge to quit smoking and drink slightly less beer than I did last year