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Welsh Crossword Week 3: ANSWERS
DISCLAIMER: I am not a native or even competant Welsh speaker so caveat emptor on these translations. The purpose of these puzzles is to give the user some exercise in looking up and researching Welsh words and hopefully hearing audio files of how they should be pronounced. This week's translations come from the University of Wales Trinity Saint David site at, from Google translate and the hardcover edition of Y Geiriadur Mawr: The Complete English Welsh - Welsh English Dictio.... If two sources agreed on the Welsh translation of an English word, that's the word I used. If they all disagreed, I went with If they all gave multiple answers, I chose the one that seemed most likely to me and had an audio file.
Ok, here are the answers to last weeks' puzzle. Swansea Jack was kind enough to tell me that "cinio" wouldn't be supper in Wales, that it's dinner and supper would be a fourth meal after dinner. Where I live, they're a word for the same thing, the third and last meal of the day - ah, cultural vagaries! If anyone notices anything else, I heartily apologize and please let me know!

Merci, Jack!