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Welsh Language Crossword Puzzle Week 3: Food
This week's puzzle is on food and dining.
DISCLAIMER: I am not a native or even competant Welsh speaker so caveat emptor on these translations. The purpose of these puzzles is to give the user some exercise in looking up and researching Welsh words and hopefully hearing audio files of how they should be pronounced. This week's translations come from the University of Wales Trinity Saint David site at , from Google translate and the hardcover edition of Y Geiriadur Mawr: The Complete English Welsh - Welsh English Dictionary . If two sources agreed on the Welsh translation of an English word, that's the word I used. If they all disagreed, I went with If they all gave multiple answers, I chose the one that seemed most likely to me and had an audio file.
Download the pdf, below, to do the puzzle and see the image below to see this week's puzzle.
@Swansea Jack L and LL are two different letters example Llawr (Floor)and ar Lawr (on the Floor)
Gymraeg/The Welsh Alphabet
In order to help you pronounce Welsh words correctly, here is a guide to the Welsh alphabet. Note that there are a couple cases where a Welsh "letter" is actually made up of two characters (e.g., "ch", "dd", etc). So when you're next doing a Welsh crossword puzzle, remember that these double character letters fit into one box. http:// (hope this helps)
Ll in welsh is 1 letter, so Gabbi is right,hope im not confusing people lol
2 accros,the answer is a 4 letter word <img src='' />
Hope you got plenty of spit whenpronouncing knife in welsh lol
Argh re sandwich! You're absolutely correct. I'll fix that. Pmail me what you think supper, berries and knife should be - picking a word for supper was HARD as it was hard to think which seemed the most correct one from my sources.