Gaabriel Becket


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New gifts and prizes for "Top Blogger"

user image 2010-10-22
By: gaabi
Posted in:
So Ceri's started his "top blogger" competition and had me make some graphics for it, little sheep for No. 1, No, 2 and No. 3 spots and they're in the network gifts. I was thinking I could make whatever custom gifts people want so if you think of some things we should have in our gifts, let me know. At first we were thinking of red kites but we weren't sure that would be recognizable, so I did sheep with respectively gold, silver and bronze crowns..
sheep icon number one sheep sheep icon number three

Ceri Shaw
12/15/10 04:29:48AM @ceri-shaw:

This month Gold, Silver and Bronze Sheep of Excellence are at stake together with a copy of Liz Whittaker's 'A Court In Splendour" . These are the rankings so far:-

1. Sexbomb 20

2. Lorin Morgan-Richards 19

3. Mona Everett 16

4. Rhianne Griffiths 12

5. Zoe Brigley Thompson 11

Still a close race for first place and still time for a newcomer to crash in to the top five.

Ceri Shaw
11/01/10 05:56:00PM @ceri-shaw:
Here's how the points system for Top Blogger will work:-

What will we be giving prizes for? We will be giving a prize to the person who, at the end of each month, has the most and highest ranked blogposts in the top twenty . A post at the number one spot will earn 20 points. A post at the number twenty spot will earn 1 point. After totaling the points for each member the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes will be awarded accordingly.

At the moment our clear leader is member Rhianne Griffiths. Congratulations/Llongyfarchion Rhianne Will Rhianne still be number one on December 1st ?

Ceri Shaw
11/01/10 04:59:20PM @ceri-shaw:
Having studied the way this works for a little while , it appears that the algorithm rates and rewards comments very highly. SO if you have a favorite blogger or blog post on the site and you want that person or that post to climb in the rankings the best thing is to weigh in with a comment or two. This of course gives the author a chance to respond and thus a virtuous spiral is initiated . Please also bear in mind that admins ( i.e. me, Gaabriel and a couple of others ) are not eligible to receive prizes but moderators ARE. We will work out a points system , based on number and position of posts and announce it as a comment here in a few days.
Ceri Shaw
10/24/10 01:01:09AM @ceri-shaw:
It's an algorithm, fully automated, bribing me with Penderyn won't work for this one Just keep pumping pout the content and you'll go gold. You can check daily, weekly and monthly :- The monthly board is linked from a dropdown below the members tab on the main navbar. I'll be linking weekly and daily from there some time today.We predict that competition for Gold Sheep Of Excellence will be fierce
Ceri Shaw
10/24/10 12:44:25AM @ceri-shaw:
At the moment Lorin, you're in line for a Silver on November 1st
Ceri Shaw
10/24/10 12:04:32AM @ceri-shaw:
Gold, Silver and Bronze Sheep of Excellence will also be awarded for Top members each month:-
Ceri Shaw
10/22/10 11:33:14PM @ceri-shaw:
Syniad gwych brawd we were thinking of something entirely different for the third time winner but a bottle of Penderyn is not a bad alternative