Gaabriel Becket


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Your ad broadcast during this year's Left Coast Eisteddfod live competitions

user image 2010-10-01
By: gaabi
Posted in:
The Left Coast Eisteddfod prose and poetry event this year will be streamed live on AmeriCymru by the able technical expertise of Gerald Lewis of Ty Bach Productions. Ty Bach will also produce a DVD that can be purchased after the event for anyone who'd like to have it.

Spots are available for graphic ads to be aired during the broadcast and ad space will also be available on the DVD and a few spots in the program for the event. Your ad, your company, your logo, your product could be broadcast during this year's event. You never know where it might end up or who might see it.

Anyone interested in having an ad in the broadcast, the DVD or the program, please contact us at or speak to Ceri.