We've joined in the Saint Patrick's parade in Scranton, two years now. Of course, we brought the Bangor School Band with us. Welsh Gaurd uniforms and playing Men of Harlech, they get attention. Won best performance, too. We recently held a benefit for the local Saint Francis Kitchen, bringing together Burlilngton Chorus, Catholic Choral Society and a youth choir. WVIA-FM, our regional PBS affiliate, did an afternoon of Welsh culture and music. Our goal is to be visible and known for public service and quality performance. Last year it was the Pontarddulais. Our recent memorial for the Avondale disaster caught local tv attention. We'll use that as a springboard to remember the more than 30,000 miners of diverse ethnic origins who died in the anthracite fields. While we are very few in numbers, and still fewer who actually help with these projects, we work to bring other groups together to get things done. The right project for the right reason. Not so much "look at us", but more like "look what we can do together", or "see what we've achieved together as a community". We've come up with more ideas than there are people or time to exicute them. Whatever the idea, I think that it is wise to include other groups in one way or another and make sure there is something of value in it for them.An idea that I like very much is a Dylan Thomas scholarship for writing or oratory. The whole educational community can relate to that. We have a brand that carrys a lot of weight. Even if there isn't much money in it, it sure looks great on a collge bound student's resume.By the way, today is another anniversary; The Aberfan Disaster,21 October 1966We have so much to do.