Forum Activity for @cerridwen

03/18/09 01:27:16PM
1 posts

Bendithion mwyaf ddisglair i chi

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Brightest of Blessings to you all. I am so sorry I have not been on here of late. I had some pretty radical surgery and waitin on more and realised that I had been neglectin my sweet friends. I can only beg forgiveness and hope to show my appreciation to you all. I was going to post the pic of my neck but thought it might be bad form lol. I had a sublingual mandibular salivary gland removed that was literally chokin me to death. Close call that. I now sport a 5 inch scar across my throat that will heal quickly I am sure. We are hopin that is all but it seemed to have wound around many nerves, trachea, and etc. so one step at a time. Today more appts. and then home to rest again. Be Blessed and Be well. Cerridwen
updated by @cerridwen: 12/04/15 03:57:45PM