Welsh-Canadian History, Sir Thomas Button
Welsh-Canadian History
You know, I think it's this man's father (Sir Miles Button??) that people keep insisting is one of my ancestors. Not that I wouldn't love it to be true (the more the better, I say--speaking of Welsh ancestors!!), but my Matthias Button was from Merrie Olde England, not Wales, and I think people are just figuring they're related because of similar names/time periods. But my Matthias was born in Harrold, Bedfordshire, and while I know people did travel more than you'd think during the 16th/17th centuries, it seems that my Buttons were of old English stock. (Oh well, you can't have everything, lol!).But I will definitely read up on Sir Thomas (the Welsh one, not the one from Bedfordshire!) since all this to-and-fro about the various Buttons has got me interested in the Welsh Button family too.And who knows, maybe they were 1st cousins 12 times removed or something!!