American Welsh History
Chill, people!But Christopher has a point that a "petition" is not what you're looking for or talking about. Who would you petition and for what?What you're really talking about is the same way these things are always really done: form a non-profit, fundraise, hire a PROFESSIONAL archaelogist (assuming that you're excavating the stone forts) to run the project - and by this I mean someone who's done this before and knows what he/she is doing and who will research to find out what the true data is, not to prove that the Madoc stories are true. Someone who can plan and execute this kind of a research project, find the right people to do it and properly evaluate data. A grant writer(s) would be needed to research grant opportunities and write proper grant requests and a development director to raise funds. That's how this kind of thing, like the Jamestown excavation or the Kon-Tiki project, is done.