Forum Activity for @neil-hughes

Neil Hughes
11/12/08 07:41:13PM
37 posts


General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

I think we should disqualify Vinnie as the nearest he got to being Welsh was when his grandad visited Ruthin once.
Neil Hughes
11/10/08 09:08:19PM
37 posts


General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

My vote goes to Gruffydd ap Llywelyn.Although my hero Mr.Glyndwr was a ruthless barsteward he wasn't a patch on old Gruffydd.Not saying he was anyones vision of a romantic hero but boy was he 'ard.
Neil Hughes
10/06/08 09:49:14PM
37 posts


General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

I forgot Gruffydd ap Llywelyn-the shield of the Welsh,now he was hard,look him up
Neil Hughes
10/06/08 08:18:08PM
37 posts


General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Owain Gwynedd,Owain Glyndwr ,Simon Weston amd JPR Williams
Neil Hughes
10/15/08 04:29:11PM
37 posts

Hollywood and Owain Glyndwr?

Promoting Wales in the USA

Bearing in mind that Glyndwr was 51 years old when he started the revolt and that 51 was a fine old age in them days I would go for one of our senior actors.The name that springs to mind is obviously Anthony Hopkins especially for the last years of his life.Or how about Jonathon Price?,or as I think suggested before Rhys Ifans.Sorry just reread your post Hugh see youlve suggested J.Price
Neil Hughes
10/14/08 11:33:41PM
37 posts

Hollywood and Owain Glyndwr?

Promoting Wales in the USA

Downloaded the aforementioned track, what do you think?.Apart from the interpretation I put on it in relation to the end of Glyndwr's struggle it happens to be my favourite album track of all time.
Neil Hughes
10/06/08 09:10:04PM
37 posts

Hollywood and Owain Glyndwr?

Promoting Wales in the USA

I believe there were plans to make a film about Glyndwr a couple of years ago called Rebellion but finances were a problem.Don't know how true this is but I was told that when they made Braveheart they had originally looked at doing the story of Llywelyn but decided a Scottish story would sell better.They even took some tales from Welsh history,calling a meeting with the local lords and then murdering them for one.Anyone heard the Wishbone Ash album Argus?The words and sentiments from the track Throw Down The Sword could have been written about Glyndwr and would be brilliant at the end of a film about him.If you haven't heard it look it up!