Forum Activity for @brian-y-tarw-llwyd

Brian y Tarw Llwyd
11/18/08 07:20:13PM
33 posts

The Male Mid Life Crisis explained in simple terms.

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

well, if you never grow up, you never have to have a mid-life crisis! I am reminded of the saying on a t-shirt me mum gave me for a birthday: I may be getting older, but I refuse to grow up!
Brian y Tarw Llwyd
09/12/08 03:51:16AM
33 posts

British through and through

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Aye, that is a long read, chock full of thought provoking Welsh attitude! hehe I need a drink... where's me Penderyn?!
Brian y Tarw Llwyd
12/29/11 09:07:13PM
33 posts

welsh kilts

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Are you sure it is still there? I couldn't find it on FB. :-(

Brian y Tarw Llwyd
11/28/08 02:52:02PM
33 posts

welsh kilts

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

The latest US Census Bureau data notes that 15.2% of Americans identify themselves as primarily of German ancestry. That would mean that 84.8% do not. As for being of mixed ancestry, I would imagine that most of us here qualify. That should not dissuade anyone from honoring and identifying with these ancestral links.
Brian y Tarw Llwyd
11/25/08 11:20:37PM
33 posts

welsh kilts

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Actually, I happen to agree with tartansoldier about the problems associated with understanding anyone else's culture. He has a point in saying that I cannot really know what it is like to be raised in Scotland -- nor what it is like to be raised by 2 Irish parents in Scotland -- anymore than he can really understand what it is like to be a 4th generation Californian. Still, I would hope that this would not prevent us from learning something from each other. I would love to hear his perspectives on how he has been molded by the Scots, if he can separate that out from what he got from his Irish parents.Seems to me that in this rapidly shrinking world, we would all benefit from learning from each other -- and where we find differences to explore, we may decide to agree to disagree, and still be friends in celebration of each other.Be back later... going to go put me cilt on. :-)
Brian y Tarw Llwyd
11/25/08 07:17:42PM
33 posts

welsh kilts

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

hehe... where to begin? First, I am of Welsh, Scots, Irish, and Swiss ancestry... Celts all. The "accident" of my birthplace doesn't change that. Being born here only means that I am free to define who I am and to what culture(s) I wish to subscribe.Second, British law and European statute are of little concern to me. The Welsh and Scots are Celts, and first cousins at that... the English are Angles, Jutes and Saxons, with a smattering of Roman. And the English have a long history of poor behavior towards the Welsh and the Scots... Lucky for me, I am physically removed from such nonsense. The English do not define me... I define me, and I am Celt.I like the image of a Japanese person wearing lederhosen! That person would at least have a sense of humor, and may in fact be honoring that culture. By the way, the last time I checked, the Edinburgh Military Tattoo wasn't booting the Nepalese Ghurkas who were there playing bag pipes and wearing kilts, and they are most definitely not Scots nor were they born in Scotland.Also, I should like to point out that the Scots wool milling industry has done a mighty good job of selling tartan goods to the world, and they might be in serious trouble if only Scots born in Scotland were allowed to play (pay). Applied to the Scots whisky industry, one might only wonder how many distilleries would never have come into existence were only Scots born in Scotland allowed to indulge. I did my bit for the Scots wool industry a few years back and designed a tartan, then had a kilt made: the pattern to honor my Welsh ancestry, and the kilt to honor my Scots. My support of the Scots whisky industry is legendary in these parts... thank the gods I didn't have to be born there in order to have some! lolI suspect that you are proud of your culture, and you should be. I am proud of my Scots ancestry in much the same way, likely as not. However, the demise of the Celts as a culture was in large part a result of their regional short-sightedness... an unfortunate outlook which has been repeated in Europe countless times over the centuries. They saw themselves as Carnutes or Silures or Lepontii or whatever, and therefore were defeated one at a time by Rome and others. I rejoice in how the Scots and Welsh and Irish and Swiss differ, but it saddens me greatly that they cannot seem to find delight and pride in their common Celtic heritage.I hope that you can rejoice in our diversity as well as revel in our common ancestry. May the gods bless you and yours this day.Brian
Brian y Tarw Llwyd
11/24/08 11:20:29PM
33 posts

welsh kilts

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

In that case, those of us who are both Welsh and Scots can wear them with impugnity... thx for the info, mate! :-)
Brian y Tarw Llwyd
11/09/08 02:08:59AM
33 posts


General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

A lot of worthy candidates... I am leaning towards: Owain GlyndwrInspirational life
Brian y Tarw Llwyd
10/18/10 05:07:07PM
33 posts

Hollywood and Owain Glyndwr?

Promoting Wales in the USA

Actually, I was thinking that a better plan would be to land in Wales and tell them that we were there to get rid of the Saxons (the English are Germans, as far as the Welsh are concerned) out of the British Isles. That way, you'd have won the hearts of the Welsh, and they would be more than happy to join up. I also like the idea of carting off a lot of Welsh women, but there are too many good looking ones, so that could end up being a full time job, preventing us from ever reaching England! If you like Scots whisky, you'll love Penderyn, Welsh whisky (seriously good stuff). And you are right about what the English think passes for good food. And if you are fond of Guinness, we may have to hit Ireland on the way, and if we tell the Irish we are there to kick the Saxons out of England, they are likely to want to join up too! When do we board to hit the seas for discovering Europe?