Forum Activity for @c-reg-jones

C Reg Jones
12/01/13 12:22:01PM
16 posts

Scotland's vote

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

That would be nice, and go somewhat to helping promote our identity.

C Reg Jones
12/01/13 12:08:37PM
16 posts

Scotland's vote

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Some really good points there. You are so right about the whole independence thing, the word is so over-used.

To my eternal shame I don't speak Welsh, (I live in Germany and have enough trouble with German), and it irks me that I never made the effort when I was in school. So good on your son for being proud of our language!!

C Reg Jones
11/30/13 09:50:46PM
16 posts

Scotland's vote

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

The paper the SNP released the other day had it that the transfer of defence would develop over a ten year period, with the idea that after that, they'd have a standing military of about 15,000, (I think it was). They want Trident out of Scottish waters by 2020.

They also do want to keep the Pound Sterling, and although separate from London, they still want to have a financial union.

I agree entirely that a lot of English would be happy to see the backs of Wales, purely for economic reason.

C Reg Jones
11/30/13 09:39:28PM
16 posts

Scotland's vote

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

I'm convinced the proponents of such a move, avid and fervent as they may be, would be unable to overcome the prevailing apathy.

Agreed, something I hadn't even thought of, if I'm honest.

C Reg Jones
11/30/13 11:18:58AM
16 posts

Scotland's vote

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

The problem as I see it is one of economics.

If Scotland does vote to make a break, it will be able to keep the income from the Noth Sea oil fields, (90% of which are in Scottish waters). Wales doesn't have that and is very heavily dependent on British tax money to pay for its services and administration.

Our heavy industry is all but dead, our mines too, and I think the only thing we can sell our neighbours is water from Snowdonia.

The good news is that our part of the National Debt wouldn't be as bad as what Scotland would have to pay if they secede, and I can imagine that if they do leave the union they'd make a deal with England and let their oil fields pay off their part; something Wales could never do.

Also, any new member of the European Union must now accept the Euro. You want EU money, you use EU coin seems to be the new motto. Mr. Salmon, or whatever his name is, from the SNP thinks Scotland will still be using the Pound, but he's very sadly mistaken. The SNP has told their members a lot of half truths about Scotland's situation, and a break with Britain will see the independence they so crave be substituted by a reinforced union with Europe, all be it as a standing "power" in its own right. Brussels is being kept at arms length by the strength of the Pound Sterling at the moment, but God help us if we ever need EU money, as those vultures will swoop in to mess with the constitution the moment that happens.

If Wales left the union, something I'd dearly like to see, but is not feasible in my eyes, then we'd turn into one of the poorer nations, like those in the Eastern Bloc, and our standing in the world would be reduced. We're too proud to accept charity we haven't earned, (the tax money from Britain was earnedin the conflicts Welsh men and women have served in under the British flag), so I think we should stay with the union, as unpalatable and disappointing as that may be.
