Forum Activity for @sue-miller

Sue Miller
12/10/12 02:18:45AM
1 posts

The Anglesey Copper Kingdom Trail

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Hi Al

A friend of mine informed me that you had joined Americymru, so I did the same. It seems a long time ago since you showed us the lovely sights of North Wales as part of your tours. I must admit I did not take much attention to the Anglesey coin that you showed us (more engrossed with the scenery) but it seems that your hunch was right, I remember you saying how important this coin was, not just a token to pay the workers as it stated in the museum that we visited.

From the information on your website it seems that you were right. I know a few people who are interested in coins so I will ask them if they have any info to share.

Regards from Sue
