Forum Activity for @carwyn-lloyd-edwards

Carwyn Lloyd Edwards
10/25/08 11:25:35PM
4 posts

Happy Nos Galan Gaeaf (Halloween)!

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Well Ceri I disagree. Strip away the american commercialisation to death of the event and remember that end of October was a form of rural welsh harvest festival season and families would gather around fire place sharing ghost stories because the sunlight hours started to decline quite dramatically. You have to think pre industrial revolution on Welsh Halloween!!It's basically Winter eve celebration very celtic and we need to regain it back from Anglo exploitation!! Just google it tonnes of this info available these days!!!!!Now David Hughes is talking about :clap clap gofyn wy" which what we did during Easter/Pasg. Wy/eggs farmers clearing their food supplies spring cleaning and all that is connected to each other!!!
Carwyn Lloyd Edwards
08/06/08 09:40:19PM
4 posts

Calling all Gogs...

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Ia un arall o Sir Fon, rhwng Trefor a Bodedern yma!!!Ond wedi byw yn Gaerfyrddin, Caerdydd a hyd yn oed LLoegr i cadw yr hwntws yn hapus!!Pobol Pesda a Caernarfon byth symud o'r milltir sgwra fel arfer!!!!
Carwyn Lloyd Edwards
07/22/08 02:13:48AM
4 posts

teaching your children Welsh in the states..

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Do cofio yr enw roedd ti yn center right!!! Efo hogiau fel Aled Tudor a Gethin Robbins!! Cofia fy mhrawd oedd Aled Edwards athro geography Amlwch pan oedd ti yna!!Sue Hayes wnaeth atgoffa fi o ti! Roedd ti adnabod ei chwaer medda hi! Dwi adnabod hi oherwydd roeddwn gweithio drws nesaf ei gilydd yn Bangor a oedd adnabod fy cefnder!!Byd bychan!!!!I ti cadw cymraeg i'r plant neu rhoi blas i nhw rhaid i ti treulio amser efo nhw dy hun!!! Mae digon o DVD's fideos cymraeg i plant ar gael o adref all a ti dangos i nhw!! beth am s4c on line rhaglenni plant with subtitles!!!!!
Carwyn Lloyd Edwards
07/16/08 05:14:37PM
4 posts

meeting people from England in the US...

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Interesting question!??!With many English people in Arizona as long as we talk about football, beer and curry I seem to get along pretty well with them!!If they have some affection to Wales childhood holidays etc then their is a bond. But if they are pretty ignorant beyond their english garden then you have a culture clash!!We have to talk generally here but it's more of a class thing as the Welsh population is 90% working class they tend to get along with English people of similar background the conflict occurs when the English Imperial middle/upper class types who feel they are above socially to the Cymry!!Can't say the Scots are much better over here as well!!!I remember when I was dating a english girl once back home her Father looked petrified presuming I was planning to burn his house down!!!The relationship between the Welsh and the English is a subject which should be explored and written about much more!! Well done for starting the debate!!!