Forum Activity for @nathan-lewis-williams

Nathan Lewis Williams
05/27/13 09:33:16PM
2 posts

Hollywood and Owain Glyndwr?

Promoting Wales in the USA

I've long harboured a wish to see John Cowper Powys's magical historical novel Owen Glendower brought to the screen. It almost reads like a screenplay... As a non-American Welshman I'd rather NOT see Hollywood tackle it. If Wales can win awards for Hedd Wyn it could make its own tri-lingual Owain Glyndwr movie - in Welsh, English and French - and receive international praise and support. We have the resources. Something real, gritty and at least partly in Cymraeg... Bring it on!

Nathan Lewis Williams
05/27/13 09:31:06PM
2 posts

Hollywood and Owain Glyndwr?

Promoting Wales in the USA

I've long harboured a wish to see John Cowper Powys's magical historical novel Owen Glendower brought to the screen. It almost reads like a screenplay... As a non-American Welshman I'd rather NOT see Hollywood tackle it. If Wales can win awards for Hedd Wyn it could make its own tri-lingual Owain Glyndwr movie - in Welsh, English and French - and receive international praise and support. We have the resources. Something real, gritty and at least partly in Cymraeg... Bring it on!