Forum Activity for @fred-mcilmoyle

10/16/17 11:28:56PM
5 posts


West Coast Eisteddfod Online Poetry Competition 2017

Autumn mists have come and gone,

Peat bogs begins to film with frost.

Dark turf, wind-dried, now carted home

Will glow on country kitchen hobs.


The poignant smell of burning peat

Clings like a mantle round the town.

I close my eyes and wish like mad

That feathery flakes come floating down.


I’m nine and recognise the signs

That Christmas now is on its way,

Then dash down to the bottom barn

To see if I can find my sleigh.


I crack frozen puddles with my toe,

Trace sunken prints of passing sheep.

In the fairy thorn white mistletoe

Twines where red-breasted robins cheep.


A curlew calls across the moor,

Its wistful cry drifts through the whins.

Red-berried holly edged with hoar

Is hung in contrition for mankind’s sins


Carol singers trudge down our lane

Pure voices raised in ‘Silent Night’

As drifting snowflakes in silken skeins

Form mystic dreams in the lantern light.


Soon stocking hung on chimney breast

Will await the visit of Santa Claus

but tomorrow I’ll get out my sleigh

And whiz past hedges hung with haws.


Shooting stars streak the inky sky

Bringing gasps of awe at their curious beams,

Recalling the Wise Men’s arduous trek

When seeking the infant born to redeem.


updated by @fred-mcilmoyle: 10/16/17 11:38:56PM
10/16/17 11:26:06PM
5 posts


West Coast Eisteddfod Online Poetry Competition 2017

Through dawn`s early mists in bygone days

St. Conal`s bell would haunting peal,

Echoing on softly lapping waves

From the sacred island of Inniskeel.

It called to the Christian villagers there

In Narin, across Gwebarra Bay,

To come and kneel with the monks in prayer

For faith and health and to bless the day.

Each morning the ebbing tide`s retreat

Exposed an emerging sandy track

Out to the island`s monastic heath

Over salt-pooled sand, through purple wrack.

Engraved Cross Stones and St Conal`s Well

Lured pilgrims from throughout the land

Seeking faith in its hallowed cells,

A haven from Vikings and pirate bands.

The setting sun`s last blood red rays

Shimmer on the rapidly-rising swell

As Neptune again reclaims the isle

Which turns to purple at this knell.

In the gloom of its medieval walls

The ghostly monks file shuffling by,

Perhaps they`ll say a prayer for us

But its time to leave now - you and I,

While history, myth and mystery steal

Through this holy island of Inniskeel.

updated by @fred-mcilmoyle: 10/16/17 11:26:26PM
10/16/17 11:20:30PM
5 posts

APOCALYPSE - 1914-18 by Fred McIlmoyle

West Coast Eisteddfod Online Poetry Competition 2017

    I have heard the soldiers singing                  

    Pure young voices strong and true.

           I have heard them speak of valour

Each man the others must outdo

I have watched them march to battle

With final thoughts of home and wives

Realizing - for the first time

They now are fighting for their lives.

I have seen life standing – leering

While death fondled his barbarous knife;

Heard Apocalyptic horsemen echoing

           Hauntingly through halls of night.

            I have smelt the devil`s rank breath

Ras             Rasping harsh through nostrils flared,

His f            His fiendish riders stealing by me

Stal             Stalking their prey with sabers bared.


            I have watched the victims stiffen,

            Petrified by loathsome scenes

            Sheering through this realm of terror

            A figment of evil, demented dreams.

            I have wept for souls returning,

            Floundering relics of mankind

            Condemned to a living hell they wander

             Seeking a peace they cannot find

            And on .. and on - time after time.

updated by @fred-mcilmoyle: 10/17/17 11:02:19AM
10/16/17 11:17:12PM
5 posts


West Coast Eisteddfod Online Poetry Competition 2017

                        Two brown carrier bags - that`s all she had!

                        One bore the remnants of yesterday`s dreams,

                        The other a store of today`s necessities.

                         I thought it sad, and watched a while.

She turned and caught my eye.

Trapped ! I tried to smile - to comprehend

What tortuous path had led her here

Where were those who should be near

To ease her anguished years?

She shuffled towards me,

Tattered trainers, bandage bound,

Grasped my hand in both of hers.

Instinctively I stiffened,

Then unwound and listened,

Captured by her words:

“Don`t grieve for what you think you see,

This is just a shadow of the girl I used to be.

Look into my eyes and see reflected there

A past that dulls the pain through days of care”

updated by @fred-mcilmoyle: 10/16/17 11:28:19PM
10/16/17 11:12:29PM
5 posts

I REMEMBER by Fred McIlmoyle

West Coast Eisteddfod Online Poetry Competition 2017

I remember days long gone.
Fleeting images float in mists of memory.
Brass-bridled horses pulling ploughs,
Blinkered, nodding, patiently plodding.
Scooping fertile furrows of rich dark loam
From within an earth, at last
Emerging from its puberty.
The farmer clad in baggy dungarees
Scans the way ahead with narrowed eye.
Then, with skilful touch, his hands,
Blue-veined upon the reins,
Command the strong submissive beast
To trudge that lie and plough his chosen lane.
I remember patchwork fields,
Rustic shades of green and brown.
A calender to passing seasons of the year.
Amazed, I watched them turn to gold;
A rolling sea of ripening ears.
Then, as summer`s sun sank low
And autumn`s misty halo glowed,
The thresher and the harvesters moved in.
Rats ran helter-skelter seeking sanctuary
And only stubble stalks remained
Awaiting winter`s final icy mow.
- I remember!

updated by @fred-mcilmoyle: 10/17/17 03:03:19PM