Forum Activity for @rhodri-ap-dyfrig

Rhodri ap Dyfrig
07/19/10 08:37:22PM
1 posts

Fideobobdydd: highlighting the best of Welsh language videos on the web

Promoting Wales in the USA

Helo Bawb,

Hoffwn i jest adael i chi wybod am wefan newydd dwi wedi dechrau sydd yn rhoi fideo Cymraeg newydd i chi bob dydd. Mae yna lot o sbwriel ar YouTube ac ati, ac mae hwn yn ymgais i drio ffiltro'r gorau ohono.

Defnyddiol iawn ar gyfer dysgwyr Cymraeg dwi'n meddwl!

Byddai'n grt pe gallech chi fynd draw am gipolwg.

Helo Bawb,

I'd just like to tell you about a new website I've set up which offers a great Welsh language fideo every day. There's a lot of rubbish on YouTube and the like, so this is an attempt at filtering the gold from the rubble. Also a great resource for Welsh learners.

Please take a look and let me know if you know of any good videos I could add to the playlist.



updated by @rhodri-ap-dyfrig: 11/11/15 10:37:34PM