Forum Activity for @angharad-evans

angharad evans
10/22/10 10:08:30PM
10 posts

Hollywood and Owain Glyndwr?

Promoting Wales in the USA

I think Ken's plots are more historical...
angharad evans
10/19/10 10:02:35PM
10 posts

Hollywood and Owain Glyndwr?

Promoting Wales in the USA

I think you might have to sober-up the young welsh girls firs, especially if you are planning a weekend raid. Can't imagine it will be a pleasant trip back to the US in your Viking canoes. Better if you tow them behind you on a rubber dinghy,

Best of luck

Angharad Evans
angharad evans
05/24/10 09:09:57AM
10 posts

Hollywood and Owain Glyndwr?

Promoting Wales in the USA

check out the credits on the new Robin Hood movie. They were fantastic. This how the story of Owain Glyndwr could be animated.
angharad evans
05/20/10 09:26:56PM
10 posts

Hollywood and Owain Glyndwr?

Promoting Wales in the USA

Was the book called Dip and Nibbles...i've got one about a Rabbit that thinks its a Banana
angharad evans
05/20/10 02:55:59PM
10 posts

Hollywood and Owain Glyndwr?

Promoting Wales in the USA

Angharad is off to see Russell Crowe tonight.....will let you know if there are any damsels in a state of undress..especially ones with beards!
angharad evans
04/14/10 10:05:00PM
10 posts

Hollywood and Owain Glyndwr?

Promoting Wales in the USA

Just found a BBC documentary on You Tube The Legend of Owain Glyndwr..its had 2800 views.
angharad evans
04/14/10 09:50:12PM
10 posts

Hollywood and Owain Glyndwr?

Promoting Wales in the USA

Perhaps with You Tube and social networking sites like Americymru the audience for such animation is much wider..perhaps someone needs to make their own homemovie..Lego Batman has had an incredible amount of views on You Tube. Its time for Owain Glyndwr to make an entrance!!
angharad evans
04/14/10 09:34:44PM
10 posts

Hollywood and Owain Glyndwr?

Promoting Wales in the USA

Perhaps it would be best to do it as an animation...this would certainly get it a cult following.
angharad evans
04/14/10 09:32:41PM
10 posts

Hollywood and Owain Glyndwr?

Promoting Wales in the USA

Its interesting to say that....Mel Gibson did "The Passion" all in Hebrew and Latin and that did amazingly well. There are only certain people know who Owain Glyndwr was, so you are already making a movie for a niche audience..maybe they could shoot in English and Welsh. The recent viking movie Valhalla Rising was made on a budget of 6 million, so the film doesn't need a huge budget.
angharad evans
04/14/10 08:35:44PM
10 posts

Hollywood and Owain Glyndwr?

Promoting Wales in the USA

Do you think they should do the film in welsh? so the actor would have to be a welsh speaker.