What’s happening to all the Welsh societies in America??
Promoting Wales in the USA
Dead link on websites could be as a result of the web master not being in a position to continue. It then becomes difficult for the society to pick it up even if they do have the password and username. If they do not then it is virtually impossible.
Welsh societies in the UK seem to be on the wain as well. I sing with the Fron Male Voice Choir and we are doing less and less concerts for Welsh Societies. Now this could be the increased cost of putting on a concert but it could be a drop in membership or the individuals prepared to take the responsibility of organising such events.
Perhaps AmeriCymru should allow Welsh Societies to set up groups similar to Facebook or perhaps the possibility is already there. It would be a good place to resurrect a society but the Internet cannot be only method of communication. We have a membership of 70 they actively turn up to practices twice a week and are pretty reliable at attending concerts. Over three quarters have email but most fail to check out their emails on a regular bases and hardly ever send emails.
Within Wales there is a decline in numbers in choirs,and people attending churches and chapels this is probably as a result of the many distractions that modern life provides. TV, the Internet, games consoles and going out drinking are of more interest to today's youngsters.