General Discussions ( Anything Goes )
Been ponderin hard on this (no pun intended), shouldnt really cos its just a bit of fun, Wales and her history has a plethora of 'hard' characters in diverse fields.Obviously Tasker 'to me' is the tops but to others he may not be and thats fair enough. The final result is not that important, whats been important is the discussion, the justification and the celebration of our national character as tough old boots, I even let the chicks in on it cos all you have to do is go down to Cardiff Bay this weekend and see them girls outside the clubs n bars, smoking, wearing less than I do to go to bed in, in chill factor that takes it below zero.Also as a big rugby fan, and a product of the golden days, word had it that Ponty's Cobs was the hardest guy to ever pull that red jersey on. The Neath lads will undoubtedly claim their Dai the shadow, and Llanelli boys will claim Albert Jenks or Gravs, Aberavon, John Bev the brick wall man etc etc we could go on on and on. The journey is more important than the destination.So I look forward to a good conclusion, and all the candidates are deserving of the top slot in their own unique way.As an aside, some of the Navy gun teams that used to 'run' the guns at the Royal Tournament were nails, and Wales was once again proprtionally over represented among the teams, Portsmouth, Plymouth etc etc.