Forum Activity for @gareth-williams

Gareth Williams
10/01/08 09:11:30PM
77 posts

British through and through

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Just re-reading your post then Neil, ye agreed, nearly all hisorian authorities refute that there was mass migration of 'celt' or Brythonic refugees being pushed West, that would mean that there was assimilation or genocide on a mass dark age scale. Evidence for either is scanty. DNA evidence should therefore point to traces of them in todays South, East and Middle England, but it does not.DNA studies show that there is a clear divide DNA wise each side of Offa's dyke and it is evident today in the blood of people on either side.I cant be prescise but something like 90% of the truly 'English' areas have closer DNA to Danes, North German and Flemish, whereas most of Wales has 90% 'Celtic' or my type which classes as Celtic, so Offas dyke was a bigger barrier to semen and eggs than the North Sea, haha.So what the f'ck happened to the Britons of England's South and East?Places like Cumbria are interesting see as it almost 50/50 Celt Saxon.Norman and Scandinavian DNA very close, but the historians reckon that the East coast gets its Norse tinge from the Vikings and not the Normans post 1066. They tended not to breed 'down' with the conquered Saxon and so Norse DNA in aristocratic families does not hail from Viking but from William's knights.
Gareth Williams
10/01/08 08:38:29PM
77 posts

British through and through

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

That was fascinating Neil.I am also vastly interested in when we actually became 'Welsh' and what was I (or my early, pre Celtic surge even, ancestor) See that DNA test I had done threw everything, because my bloodline was here even before the Celtic influx of 4000 years ago from central Europe. What is 'Celtic' anyway? Its not a very specific label by all accounts, derives from Geek 'Keltoi' for outsiders or inlanders. As far as the Greeks were concerned, bands of disparate tribes beyond the Balkans and into the central continent were of the same ilk, but were they really? Its like historians in 4000 years time referring to us here and now as 'the Westerners' say, as a convenient potmanteau that covered ALL white caucasians of the 20th and 21st centuries.And so I dont buy the Celtic bullshit mate.All I know is for certain that I had a male ancestor here 8000 years ago and I bet he wasnt Celtic, God knows what he was. Likelihood is he pushed North one Summer with his pack across the deep valley plain that is now the channel, and in his fifteen years of life he'd heard stories of no one staying that far North for more than a month or two to hunt in the Summer, but this year, milder weather allowed their pack to winter on that wooded wet land. And so I guess he stayed and along with others went back for their women too (or I wouldnt be typing this now I guess!) and maybe twenty years later he died an old man of 35 or so Summers.Generations after him would push further deeper inland into this temperate rainforest island abundant in food.Fascinating innitGlad I can share this with you,Gaz
Gareth Williams
10/01/08 12:20:41AM
77 posts

British through and through

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Cheers Neil,Ive done some research on Gododdin by Taliesin and you are right it is a place but the Welsh illyad if you like is called Y Gododdin, which would make Taliesin the Welsh Homer I guess, I cant do the links thingy but google it, Ive even read a contemporary English translation which is as good as it can get in translation.It basically glorifies a band of a few hundred warriors from that neck of the woods who make a stand in Catterick (Catraeth) North Yorkshire in the 6th Century sometime against overwhelming odds of Angles or Jutes or Saxons or whatever. The poem describes their craziness and their drinking and womanising, bravery, loyalty bla bla bla, it kinda seems like Gododdin was the Brythonic Sparta of its day at that particular point in time, ready to rush a band of lunatics South a good hundred odd miles to make a stand for kinfolk of that region. They definately would not have been over Romanised up there, as also were my own people the Ordovicians of North West Wales.It would be nearly two hundred years later when the term 'Welsh' began to came into play. Ironic really that it derives from the old Germanic 'foreigner'. So it took a steady influx and force for a time from the end of Roman Britain to the time of Offa King of Mercia for us to become labelled as 'foreign' in our own island.My main point is that we here in North West Wales were not quite oblivious to this but it probably didnt really affect us that much.There seems to be no record of vast movements of refugees fleeing Westwards,It seems that the Romanised Britons of South, East and Mercia either thinned out or assimilated after an initial violent land struggle. What truly baffles me though is the overwhelming DNA evidence that has recently shown that very little Celtic blood survives in these areas, and if some does who is to say that it did not get there in recent times what with the urbanisation and industrialisation migration of the past 300 years.My own DNA paternal line strongly suggests that my male ancestors were here 8000-9000 years ago, among the first post ice age wave of humans from the continent. Many who share close match DNA on Oxford Ancestors contact group can trace their roots to the North Irish sea rim, Manx, Cumbrian-Lancs coast, Ulster, North Wales , but intriguingly also with the Galicia and North Spanish coast and France's Atlantic seaboard.This has a strange knock on to the Cajun connection because a lot of the Louisianna Cajuns hailed from France's West coast.So I share near DNA matches with a Cajun redneck out in them everglades bud!!!!!Nuts ehGaz
Gareth Williams
08/25/08 06:14:17PM
77 posts

British through and through

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

In Maindy Barracks Cardiff I meant, forgot to write that
Gareth Williams
08/25/08 06:12:54PM
77 posts

British through and through

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Yes, a immensely interesting campaign, and one which is greatly overlooked by military historians and buffs.The Napoleonic campaign in Europe overshadows it. But reality is that the stirling work of, among other units, was the 41st (Welch) of Foot. If they hadnt kept a lid on it, the Old Iron Duke might have been deployed there for better results thus leaving Waterloo wide open, and it could be argued what difference would that have made to the result at Waterloo! But as any real Waterloo buff will tell you, Wellington's presence there swung it big style.As a naive young soldier and a bit thick I used to wonder why one of the buildings there was called 'Detroit' block. Now we had a leg pulling Colour Sgt called Benny Ball, and he told me that it was so named as the Brigadier was a massive Motown soul fan!!! Im from Aanglesey, and we are not exactly known for our savvy so I swallowed it for a few years untill I began educating myself.
Gareth Williams
08/25/08 01:47:38PM
77 posts

British through and through

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

yes, all that I remember having read is correct and it was a Welsh foot regiment, which my current infantry regiment is descended from that did the business.Well, waste not want not innit!!!
Gareth Williams
08/21/08 12:26:46AM
77 posts

British through and through

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

There s an awful lot o tosh written and spoken about Welsh history and it frustrates me that people dont do their research themselves, how can they have an opinion on something without understanding the facts? I mean, come on, only English people are allowed to have opinions without understanding!!! Saxo-Norman trait innit?Now it wont suprise anyone here that Im no Oxford History Don, but I dam well should be. So here are a few FACTS for the benefit of the site.1. We are the only original Britons2. We were never truly defeated by Romans, the Irish, the Norse, the Saxon or the Norman.3. Our kin in middle England and the East and South became Romanised, we remained wild on the fringe.4. Vortigen was a King in those lands, he sold out, thought he was doing it for the best cos his people were weak, he probably never set foot in the lands of his kindered princes to the West.5. Ok. we tried to help out, sent some wild boys over with names like 'Gododdin' but the overwhelming waves across the North sea was too much, and besides, we had the Irish seadogs to ward off our coast6. The people and culture that swallowed up our kin race pretty much left us alone over here, so we got on with it7. There was no mass refugeeing Westwards going on in the 6th century - THAT IS TOSH,,they assimilated and sure there was some movement and lots of friction and bloodshed, but a coupla centuries later, the BRITISH tribes of what is now England ceased to exist. We didnt break our back to help them because over the last 500 years they had become alien to us, Romanised, even the language dialected to a great extent. A vauge common Celtic heritage had worn thin (will someone tell me who were the Celts anyway? Because I think its a 'catch all' portmanteau that is convenient for modern historians to categorise pre Romano British races, which was already multicultural)8. In the middle ages, the concept of England grew, but the common Yorkshire peasant would have viewed the Sussex peasant with the same alienation as he would a Gascon or a Welshman possibly even a Moor, ALMOST!! And that weak thread was what the Norman ruling class exploited, and nurtured to build EMPIRE ENGLAND9. A few Welsh Princes matched this but unfortunately it was not sustained and Glamorgan and Gwynedd did not manage to bond like Sussex and Yorkshire did gradually.10. Englands rulers defeated parochialism within its own realms11. But ultimately failed with the rest of the island but had a bloody good run for its money right up to 195012 Yep, we bought into EMPIRE ENGLAND eventually. Hell, the Tudors of Anglesey got the CEO job and their last one, Elizabeth, began the thinking EMPIRE BRITISH and beyond the shores of the long island off Europe.13. THE BRITISH EMPIRE could not have been built without the Welsh, Scots and Irish buying into it, for economic reasons (are there ever any other reasons in history?)14. So us here Welsh, well we've always been here and we are 'YMA O HYD ER GWAETHAF PAWB A PHOPETH'An analogy for US citizens is that of a Native American tribe that fought back but essentially kept its lands even though occupied, kept its language and even put a few Presidents in the White man's Whitehouse (which by the way is so named because Welsh troops burnt down the red brick one in 1812, and so proves that we bought into the Empire thing!!)
updated by @gareth-williams: 12/04/15 03:57:45PM
Gareth Williams
08/19/08 11:26:18PM
77 posts

merchant day day sep 3rd

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Fantastic.Heres to the men who kept the boys in bullets bombs n beans and the odd banana and the civies in powdered eggs!Big up Cardiff and the Martin matlowsGaz
Gareth Williams
10/10/08 11:51:55PM
77 posts

Siarad Cymraeg yn y Fyddin. Speaking Welsh in the UK Military

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Anyways, as you ve gathered, Im back off exercise.And in a crazy beer drinking howling mood, yahoo
Gareth Williams
10/10/08 11:49:20PM
77 posts

Siarad Cymraeg yn y Fyddin. Speaking Welsh in the UK Military

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Hey, in case some hot American chicks out there read that last bit and misinterpret, I aint gay ok, but Im totally cool with gayness, I think its great for any Army to have a liberal sprinkling of the homosexual . Its great for morale, they ve always been there, and now they can come out openly. I love seeing a man mincing about in uniform, I know it sounds bad and you may think I got bi-curious tendencies but I havent , unfortunately cos I think they have a scream in life these days, despite HIV, they are educated and take care.Being hetrosexual is a burden sometimes and it would be such a crazy laugh to chase guys around, but it'd ultimately be pointless in my case cos the male form just dont do it for me. Believe me when I say Ive pretty much thought of and tried most adult things, but naaar, give me a chick any dayGaz