Forum Activity for @robert-w-allen

Robert W. Allen
06/10/13 09:34:08PM
2 posts

The Welsh Space Campaign

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Yes, unless someone else can show that they'd be better suited for the job.

Robert W. Allen
06/10/13 08:04:56PM
2 posts

The Welsh Space Campaign

General Discussions ( Anything Goes )

Posted today at Metafilter:

The Welsh Space Campaign. The suit is made of the fabric woven in the last remaining wool mills in Wales. The astronaut boots are traditional Welsh clogs crafted by a traditional clog maker. The whole pressure system that will enable the astronaut to sustain life in outer space was built by a Welsh plumber . The aim of the designer is to reveal that Wales has the capacity to explore space, and to show that off-world culturalisation can be achieved through a collective communitarian effort; as a way to allow the people involved to reconsider their role and skill in relation to these cosmic contexts. -- We Make Money Not Art


updated by @robert-w-allen: 11/11/15 10:38:55PM