Hollywood and Owain Glyndwr?
Promoting Wales in the USA
Machynlleth is a fantastic place and I very much enjoyed seeing the Glyndwr parliament, as well as looking about the town. (Love the Clock Tower; disappointed the Celtica Center had closed). And the Glyndwr story is really an inspiring one, so it's easy to understand him as the Welsh hero.But if we're to appeal to Hollywood and the American mentality for a film that sells, the story of Llywelyn Fawr would be a better choice. There's a novel written by Sharon Penman entitled Here Be Dragons. It's extremely well done and includes a variety of relationships and situations, including Llywelyn's family, friends, political alliances, battles, enemies -- and the ever-important ingredient: the love scenes!The only thing I didn't like about Penman's book is her comment at the end, that Llywelyn's dream was only personal, and therefore didn't last. But that was easily solved -- I just tore that page out!