Dylan Thomas Birthplace


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Bob Zimmerman, Dylan, John Lennon - what's in a name?

user image 2010-05-20
By: Dylan Thomas Birthplace
Posted in:

I've got to hold my hand up and confess - two days ago I upset an American .

How you might ask? Well, I dared to point out on a blog that Bob Dylan took his stage name after our own Dylan Thomas. Oh dear, to even suggest that there was a creative genius before Mr Zimmerman who was apparently the only influence on everyone from The Beatles to The Cheeky Girls. There's more on our blog and plenty about Dylan and Swansea

05/28/10 05:57:19PM @gaabi:
Paul Durden, you are hysterical! Bob Dylan should wear more chaps and get a horse...Nice blog, Anne and Geoff, I bookmarked it! And you and Peter are right, stupid or ignorant people are everywhere there are people and we certainly don't have all of them, or even most of them, here. And I piss off bunches off Americans, every day, it's easy, really. :D
Paul Durden
05/23/10 10:48:23PM @paul-durden:
I think you will find that Bob Dylan first stated he named himself after Mat Dylan the T V cowboy.
Dylan Thomas Birthplace
05/23/10 10:57:30AM @dylan-thomas-birthplace:
Thanks Peter - you're right ignorance is universal!It's just a pity that some people can't acknowledge that everyone is influenced to a larger or lesser degree by events, people, things that have been part of their life.If you are ever in Swansea give us a call
Peter Lewis
05/23/10 03:26:14AM @peter-lewis:
Please don't blame it on his being American. Being ignorant is enough, and that's universal! But I did go over and reply to his comment thus..."Harry, your ignorance is very embarrassing to this fellow American. Dylan Thomas is considered a great poet by every literate person, including Bob Dylan. Robert Zimmerman patterned his singing after Woody Guthrie and his lyricism after Dylan Thomas. The poet Dylan IS the source of of Zimmerman's stage name, and that alone is proof of the great admiration he has for Dylan Thomas. Your comments are so foolish as to embarrass one of your fellows. Get an education."Not that he'll actually read it!