THE OLYMPIAN by Olayinka Idris

11/29/16 04:07:08AM
112 posts

Standing at my corner of the ring
Stronger and smarter
Ready to show you my stuff
I'm in the league of the greatest
So i sting like a bee and fly like a butterfly
My blow is heavy and strong like iron Mike's
I'm not a fighter but an athlete
You are not my enemy but my competitor No need to hit you below the belt
Cause sportsmanship is my watchword

Standing at the brim of the pool
With my trunk on, ready to flow against the waves
I'm flexible like dolphin in human skin
Call me a fish and you are not far from the truth
Cause i'm more comfortable in water than on land
One moment in time and i will show you the Phelps mojo in me
In water i move at light velocity

Standing at the starting point of the track
Cool, calm and calculated
I'm strong like a horse and fast like a cheetah
Set to break the air waves like thunder bolt
We shall start at once but never shall we finish at once
On land i'm invisible
I'm here to break record and set another

Standing on the highest podium
With my gold medal dangling on my neck And my flag flying high in the sky
I could hear the angels rendering the tune of my anthem
And the tears of joy rolling down my cheeks
All these place me on top of the world
I salute the FIGHTERS on the other podiums
And all the competitors
For we are all true Olympians

updated by @americymru: 11/29/16 04:11:04AM