Desire by Chandradeep Das

11/19/16 08:46:54PM
112 posts

It’s difficult to narrate in melodic words,

Every moment I feel I tread on shards,

Whenever I espy you wandering all alone,

My heart gets pierced by the eeriest of drone

Dreading someone will charm your heart away

And my heart tears itself apart in dismay;

To think of a life where you have no say,

To kiss and wake me up on a bright summer day

Or saunter along together amidst a chilly mizzle,

Not a bower nearby to conceal us from the drizzle.

Or on a wintry night to catch you by the fire,

Weaving thoughts of untold passion and desire;

To nuzzle at the mole on the curve of your nose,

See you shyly smile and watch your eyes close

And droop over my chest, my hands pulling on your tress,

You tremble and softly squeeze, as we slowly undress

And lay on your bed frozen in time and in space,

Forever encased in a fiery embrace.

It’s difficult to endeavor and make you feel,

How such longings and wishes make me kneel

And pray to a cosmic force unknown, unsure

To connect us two souls where the warmth is so pure,

Where emotions run high and the fervour abound-

A love so eternal, so ethereally gowned, will hardly ever be found.

updated by @americymru: 11/19/16 08:47:16PM