To my Songstress by Chandradeep Das

11/19/16 08:43:43PM
112 posts

Nightingale, don't fly away,

Blossoms have just begun to sway,

Your beauty entrances our listless souls,

From dense ebony waters to morbid knolls;

Your dance engulfs us in charming tunes,

In the midst of dreary desert sand dunes;

Nightingale, I implore you-

On moonlit nights while we drench in blue,

Raptures of trills and tweets enthral,

Poets oblivious in mindless carousals;

But only a poetic heart may reminisce,

How my dear songstress, amongst the unbridled trees -

Has withstood the tempestuous torrents and the howls,

Whilst the Satanic Tereus was always on the prowl.

But now the blood-soaked clouds have withdrawn,

A painter’s delight in a coquettish dawn,

As the lively colours of a sprightly morn

Canopy the rose beds - where love is reborn.

Nightingale, I assure you,

Lovers are destined to seek pastures new,

Where I await you to lead me the way-

Nightingale, don't fly away.

updated by @americymru: 11/19/16 08:44:03PM