Emotions by Sukanya Basu Mallik

11/18/16 02:16:25AM
112 posts

There’s a lot to speak about ‘Emotions’,
Feelings that can attach you to your possessions;
Stimulus that initiates the promises: made & broken,
The memories that in future in your mind shall open;
The source & root-cause of all anxiety,
Binding you to your rivals & worshiped Almighty;
The fake fun that can draw you crazy,
The misunderstandings that makes the truth hazy;
it moulds your outlook towards other’s personality,
it is a fact, that we are all gifted with emotionality.
they, the voice your soul & heart
suddenly appear in mind as dart
it is all up to you whether you throw,
or respond back the same to let it grow
either you pursue not & let it cry
or just you ignore & let them die
or you respect them & forget it never
or nicely pen it to keep them forever.
emotions are the vibes of your heart
have jubilant power to make thy smart.

updated by @americymru: 11/18/16 02:20:17AM