Too far from a Green World by Tinashe Gweshe

11/17/16 11:28:45PM
112 posts

Are we close or simply
too far from a green World.
in love with Science and
once brought bad  climate n earth.
Killing nature and
destroying future. From
1850 to this day we pay
. In dollar of dirty water, dirty air, dirty food. We made cars ,

plastics  and dangerous chemicals products. we have tried to remedy our planet
. Some countries are still  using fuel cars.
Hydro engine we once made.
One person paid for them to disappear.

2007  We have not forgotten
. What a classic act . So close , So far for the love of money . It will not belong before all the fellow comes to end. Too far from
a Green World.Most
Solar engine cars are still in
laboratory and some in the Gallery. .
In the unknown clock .
Who are we waiting for  ?
Alien  from Mars to explain.
why can we not make recycle
and for that to be the law of
the world.  In our hands and minds .
It now or never a place of no return

. Can the next-generation
be able to see tree and animals ?  In the natural and unnatural food supply .i
n slow speed of invention
and prevention . We are killing  nature
. Blind future days by day. Too far from a green World.
The end

updated by @americymru: 11/24/19 06:16:51PM