I haven't forgotten about this and I've just started looking up folk dancing societies etc. I came across a website called walesbooks.com, which has a list of Welsh societies around the world and I'm staggeredby the number of these societies in the USA; there are others as far away as New Zealand and even one in Sri Lanka, as well as South Africa. I'm also looking up societies here in the UK, of course. There's a group in Ohio, called Welsh Country Dancers of Ohio. Rhianne kindly suggested a company in Swansea which does promotions. There's Wales Marketing USA. So many places and people one could contact. As 1st March falls on a Tuesday next year, any celebration of this kind would have to be done on the previous weekend, I suppose. I mentioned to Rhianne that it could be done in a sort of "wave"; for example, it could take place at 11am here in the UK and then 11am on the East Coast of the US, 11am in central USA and so on.
"Dawns" Flash Mob?
Here's the link to the video I posted from last year's Chicago Tafia's St. David's Day:
They did something similar in Bruigend via FB:
Here's the link: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Are-you-a-WeLf/170754792936037
I tried to cut and paste but it was too long.
Broke the record for most "elves" in one place. The previous winner was New York City--so not bad for Brigend, eh?
I think this is an excellent idea...diolch for posting Gaynor. What does anyone else think? Could we pull this off in a number of cities around the world?
I just sent a message to "friends" as follows:
I saw a programme on BBC4 about flash-mob clog dancing in Newcastle. The presenter arranged for clog dancers to convene in a square in Newcastle upon Tyne for just 6 minutes, accompanied by folk musicians, and the public was really delighted. I found it thrilling to watch and it occurred to me that there could be a worldwide coordinated flash mob doing Welsh dancing and singing (I mention singing because some of us might have "challenged" knees and singing is what we are known for anyway) on 1st March, though I how it could be arranged I don't know. The Irish have their parades so why can't we do something too?
updated by @gaynor-madoc-leonard: 11/11/15 10:37:40PM