Beware of Lewd Women
You know, when I read the advert at the bottom of the handbill, I can't help but thinking the Professor of Physick was probably more dishonest than the poor Welshman they were hanging.
What's more, this advert seems very close to the type of junk they sell today in infomercials. Pills and mouthwashes for every ill effect: Bad breath, whitening yellow teeth, tinnitus and French Disease. Decidedly absent, however, is a "weight loss" cure.
Ha ha! This Mr Elmy was definitely a quack. I think the French disease is the clap but I'm not sure; and I think the French called it the English disease (as one would expect!!). As for lewd women - women have always been blamed for men's faults so nothing new there.
lol....I was wondering the same thing....does association with lewd women cause deafness and yellowing of the teeth?
Many thanks also for expanding my vocabulary...I have never come across the term 'gargarism' before but will treasure it and use it whenever the opportunity arises
...Or so said Welshman John Davies hanged by order of the Old Bailey at Tyburn on the twenty-first of December 1689. Among his crimes " He freely confest that he converst with lewd Women!"
The Ordinary for the Old Bailey recorded:
" John Davies, he is Condemned for Felony and Burglary, which he acknowledged to the Ordinary. He is aged 23 years, was born in Wales . He says that he had Religions Parents, who bred him up in the Fear of God: That he read often in the Bible at 10 years of Age, and made many Remarks on the Scriptures; so that he trembled at first when he went about any evil Action. He acknowledgd that he had cherish evil Inclinations in himself, till by Custom in Sinning, the Devil got a deeper possession of his heart. I give you his own expressions. He freely confest that he converst with lewd Women, was not much guilty of Drunkenness, but of many other Notorious Sins. That he had sinned against the clear knowledg of God, and strong Convictions in Conscience, which made him adventure to commit the grossest Sins. He said that he is now troubled for breaking Gods Laws, and that Sin is an heavy burden on his Conscience ."
These legal proceedings were recorded and can be viewed at the Proceedings of the Old Bailey...
We can thank the legal clerks of the Old Bailey, the Internet and the paid Advertisement at the bottom of legal proclamation:
Advertisement. [printed at the bottom]
These are to give Notice to all Persons, for the Benefit of the Publick, That Mr.Elmy, Professor of Physick, and Operator, of known Integrity, and above 25 Years practice, Liveth at the Blue Ball in WhaleBone Court, at the Lower End of Bartholomew-lane by the Royal Exchange, who most safely and expeditiously Cures Deafness and Noise in the Ears in any of what Age soever, (if Curable) and at first Sight, by Inspection, Resolves the Patient if so or not, as most Eminent Persons of Quality in this City can Testisie. He hath likewise a most excellent Gargarism or MouthWater, which will make black or yellow Teeth as white as Ivory, in a few times using; and it will certainly cure the Scurvy, and all other Diseases incident to the Mouth, Teeth and Gums, which in many persons causeth a stinking Breath, which (by the Blessing of God, and the use of this Water) I dare affirm you will be freed front those Maladies before mentioned, with Directions. His Pills only prepared for the French Disease, and the Running of the Reins, may be had in Boxes of several prices, with other Venereal Arcanas, as occasion requires, with Directions.
LONDON,Printed forLangley Curtiss at theSign of Sir Edmondbury Godsrey's Head nearFleet-Bridge. 1689.
Question: Just what is the French Disease and what do lewd Women have to do with it? Is this the first occurrence of a Google-like adsense based upon keywords found in the printed handbill then inserting an appropriate advert?
updated by @harold-powell: 11/11/15 10:39:05PM